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2022: The Year of Prolog
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Prolog


The Year of Prolog was organized by a number of enthusiasts, grouped into a number of committees, depending on the task in hand:

  • An International Scientific Committee, chaired by David S. Warren (and with Robert Kowalski as Honorary Chair), oversaw the scientific aspects of all activities of the Year of Prolog.
  • A Steering Committee, chaired by Jean Rohmer, oversaw the planning and execution of the Year of Prolog events.
  • An Ambassadors Committee, chaired by Célestin Sedogbo, advertised the Year of Prolog activities and recruited supporters.
  • A Coordinating Board, coordinated the activities of the different committees.
The composition of these committees was as follows:

Scientific Committee
Veronica Dahl, Thomas Eiter, Gopal Gupta, Manuel Hermenegildo, Robert Kowalski (Honorary Chair), Jean Rohmer, Francesca Rossi, Marie-Christine Rousset, David S. Warren (Chair), and Celestin Sedogbo (as secretary).

The Scientific Committee also included, as Honorary Members: Krzysztof Apt, Maurice Bruynooghe, Keith Clark, Jacques Cohen, Stefania Costantini, Mehmet Dincbas, Hervé Gallaire, Maria Garcia de la Banda, Michael Genesereth, Seif Haridi, Gerda Janssens, Evelina Lamma, Annie Liu, Paola Mello, Luis Moniz Pereira, Fernando Pereira, Enrico Pontelli, Philippe Roussel, Fariba Sadri, Taisuke Sato, Torsten Schaub, Peter Stuckey, Theresa Swift, Peter Szeredi, Paul Tarau, Francesca Toni, Mirek Truszczynski, Pascal Van Hentenryck, and Jan Wielemaker.

Steering Committee
Salvador Abreu, Marc Bergman, Laure Bourgois, Laurent Cervoni, Laurent Chaudron, Caroline Chopinaud, Colette Colmerauer, Daniel Diaz, François Fages, Laurent Gouzenes, Henry Kanoui, Robert Kowalski, François-Marie Lesaffre, Guy Alain Narboni (Advisor), Jean Rohmer (Chair), Celine Rouveirol, Dominique Sciamma, Célestin Sedogbo.
Amabassador Committee
Marc Bergman, Laure Chopinaud, Colette Colmerauer, Henry Kanoui, Guy Alain Narboni, Jean Rohmer, Célestin Sedogbo (Chair).
Coordinating Board
Colette Colmerauer, Veronica Dahl, Robert Kowalski, Jean Rohmer, and Celestin Sedogbo, as well as Thomas Eiter and Manuel Hermenegildo, representing the ALP.

In addition, an Education Committee, chaired by Veronica Dahl, organized the education initiative.

Manuel Hermenegildo developed and maintained the Year of Prolog web site.

The Year of Prolog and its activities, including the Alain Colmerauer Prize, are sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming, the Prolog Heritage Association, the AI Journal, Institut Carnot Cognition, and Institut Fredrik Bull, among others.